Lewis & Son
Window Cleaning
Mob: 07951 515452
Custom Cleaning
We are aware that no bulding is the same and can adapt easily to all shapes and sizes, using the latest in cleaning technology we can reach areas previously inaccesible to conventional cleaners. Without the need of machinery or hoists we are able to offer a cost effective solution.

If you have an area that has previously been difficult and expensive to clean, Lewis & Son would be happy to visit the site and give a free competetive quote. We can offer an easy, cost effective, hassle free service for any shape or size building. Utilising the latest technology we can make what was once a time consuming and costly process an enjoyable event. Leaving you with an impressive clean property you will be proud of.
Hard to Reach Areas

As an ever expanding business we are not one to shy away from a challenge, from conservatories to churches to caravans if its dirty, we will clean it!